The Little Red Barn or....
The Mother of all Fireplaces
barns viewed since 01/12/08 |
Starting off with a portable sawmill and a
large pile of tree trunks, a friend of mine built this nice red barn as a
playhouse and to occasionally rent out for special events and auctions. |
What a play room! |
A barn that size deserves a similar fireplace! |
One might ask how one would fuel such a
fireplace. With a fork lift, of course. |
If your first flue doesn't draw as well as you
want it too, the simple solution is to scab on another flue pipe.
Interestingly enough, this add-on flue draws MUCH better than the one the
stone mason built. |
Heating a place that size requires a lot of
heat. If you have an unlimited supply of wood, as he does, then an
outdoor wood-burning boiler is the obvious solution. This boiler
supplies hot water to tubes buried in the concrete slab. This is
absolutely the nicest heat I've ever experienced, especially for someone
like me who has chronic cold feet. |
Look at the size of that fire
box! The burned paint is what happens when you stoke the fire box
full, get distracted and forget to close the door. The automatic draft
controls are built into the door. I'm not sure how well I like that
but it does seem to work well. |
The Control Box. This
boiler is equipped for dual fuels, in this case wood and natural gas.
The controls transition seamlessly from one to the other. The gas can
be used to start the wood fire too. |
Note that though a Central Boiler
wood furnace is shown here, I much prefer the all-stainless steel furnace
make by Hardy Manufacturing.
I have helped a friend install one and have a couple of years' operating
experience. It is smaller, nicer looking and quite efficient.
The all-stainless construction means no rust or corrosion. |